Jaime's Richmond, Virginia stucco building
Richmond Virginia stucco
 Old paint chipped and
Old Richmond, Virginia stucco building has been painted, and has a series of sloppy patches over the years. It is a cool design, and deserves
a facelift.
Areas under the windows were never reinforced very good and were loose. Patches are torn out and walls are chipped about every 2-3 inches to leave the surface rough and the pores of the old stucco basecoat open for a good bond.
scratch coat is applied
brown coat
A scratch coat is applied using plenty of acrylic in the mortar. We used Flex-con half and half with water in the mortar for good adhesion.
A double up coat is applied the same day. Here,
the thin brown coat is rubbed with a rubber float
 to leave the surface nice and rough for a good
bond of the color coat.
Window returns are reinforced
Another view of the window returns
Metal lath is nailed on for reinforcement of the window returns. A two by four is used to form theoutside corner. 2 by strip is supported using "legs" made from scrap furring strips.
Wall is filled to the strips and straightened around
the legs.
Window strips removed

Two by four form is removed forming a neat, straight line. Bottom of window return is filled, and holes left by the legs are filled, too.

Next step is to true up the bands.
string line
one by sixes proved to be the perfect
              width for this
Here a string line is pulled across the front of the building to align the bands and to form a straight line.
One by sixes are set using the string line.
The one by sixes proved to be the perfect width for this.
The bands are all formed
Stucco bands are color coated with
              color cement
The bands are all formed and the edges filled at the same time. After the one by's are pulled off, we have a nice straight band.
Bands are finished first.
Grey color is made using white portland and white sand and black paint colorant from Sherwin Williams. These colors are organic and non toxic.
REAL cement color stucco finish
Numbers cast
Finish is  "Colonnade" Color 258 is from Expo stucco in San Diego. We used our own recipe of White portland, lime, and silica sand for crack resistance, color retention and strength. Numbers for address are cast using the "colonnade" mortar. Jaime cut wood numbers in his shop to make the molds.
Cast numbers stuck on

Numbers are stuck using the finish mortar with pure Flex-con  and no water for strong adhesion.

Here the numbers are supported using two nails each until the mortar sets up.

coping flashing onroof
Coping, (flashing on the top of a parapet wall is called coping) is bent using my metal brake, and installed on the finished wall. Coping is essential to ensure the wall will last. Stucco will last forever as long as no water gets behind the stucco.
Panel surrounding the numbers is
              taped off and finish coated
Another beautiful stucco
Panel surrounding the numbers is taped off and finish coated. The finish is thick enough to embed the numbers, making sure they will never come off. Another beautiful stucco building.
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