Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church
Potomac Falls, Virginia
Dismal looking cast concrete awaiting stucco Finished wall
Dismal looking cast concrete awaiting stucco. This is the inside rear wall  of the mechanical area. Finished wall is more like it. Color is 97 from La Habra stucco.
Mortar is bonded to the concrete Outside front is bare block
Mortar is bonded to the concrete by using
a lot of flex-con in the scratch coat (or first coat). After scratch coat has set up for 3 days, brown coat is applied and straightened.
Outside front is bare block awaiting our work of art. Ivy already planted waiting for stucco to grow on.
brown coat has set up for a week blocks are marked off and taped
After the brown coat has set up for a week,
the finish is applied in 2 steps. Here the first color is applied and rubbed with a rubber float.
After the first color has set up overnight,
blocks are marked off and taped. This is the old fashioned white masking tape.
The blue stuff isn't sticky enough. The blocks are laid out the width of the column.
Color 97 is put on and floated Finish drying out
Color 97 is put on and floated working from
the top left hand corner. Taped is pulled off after completion of each row.
Finish drying out.
Pencil marks are scraped off Pencil marks are scraped off and we're done. How well will the ivy grow on the wall? check back in 5 years and we'll see.