counter flashing to cover the step flashing pre bent flashing on the band..
We made a counter flashing to cover the step flashing, My finger points to a kick-out
I put in to keep water from running behind the vertical tudor member. On the right we put pre-bent flashing on the horizontal member. 
Here we put pre bent flashing on the band.
Over the last few years, we have done a lot of the flashing ourselves, to make sure there are no leaks.
straightening the wall with a straight edge. tar paper and metal lath.
Here, Juan C. rods off the brown coat.
For new readers, straightening the wall with a straight edge.
Another view of the addition. Here, we are putting on tar paper and metal lath.
dash on the mortar They still do a lot of dash on finishes in other states
Mynor and Juan C. dash on the mortar.
This could have been a scene from the
1920's. They still do a lot of dash on finishes in other states, like Minnesota,
where stucco is still widely used.