Ron's addition
Hyattsville, MD

this texture and color Window surrounds
the Heat pump pad TOP LEFT:
Ron's wife liked  this texture and color she saw on my web site. 

Window surrounds were formed with one by fours, and filled with lath and mortar.

The bottom of the addition has a smoother, or a float finish. We even did the Heat pump pad.
Why not?

Surrounds are formed Surrounds are straightened
Surrounds are formed nailing up one by fours.
Metal lath is nailed on and a scratch coat applied. Here, surround is filled out to the edge after the scratch coat sets up.
Surrounds are straightened by rodding them off with a scrap one by. Forms are removed after mortar sets up overnight.
mortar joints Black sand and white portland mix
Tape is put on the brown coat for the mortar joints. The top is done with no joints, for the one piece look of a real stone lintel. Black sand and white portland mix is troweled on and troweled to produce a stone like look and feel.
The bottom has a flat, or a float finish A view of the textures
The bottom has a flat, or a float finish. The idea behind the two textures is to make the wall look longer. A view of the textures.
flashing on the ledger board View of the flashing on the ledger board for the deck, showing the gap we left for the deck boards.