Jobs in progress #156

Updated January, 2019

20th anniversary of jobs in progress !

EIFS replaced with stucco
in Potomac

Flimsy EIFS is eaily scraped off in Potomac,Maryland.

Flimsy EIFS is easily scraped off using a garden spade. The people who put this on probably wear a mask to hide their humiliating shame.


Plaster repair
in Arlington, Virginia

3 big patches in 3 rainy days in Arlington, Virginia

Tape holds the ceiling up until the cavalry arrives. We did 3 big patches in 3 rainy days

Plaster repair in Arlington, Virginia

Patch is straight, smooth and the edges join flush. What more do you want ?

Patch is filled and rodded off with a 6 foot rod in Arlington, Virginia

New metal lath is put on. Patch is filled and rodded off with a 6 foot rod.

plastic curtain around the patch in Virginia

Note the plastic curtain around the patch. This avoids splatters, dust and clean up.

No tracking of plaster is allowed in_Arlington,Virginia

Plastic is taped down on the floors all over the house. No tracking of plaster is allowed.

Plaster patch and match
in Reston, Virginia

Sand finish plaster ceiling is patched. Plaster_repair_in_Reston,Virginia

Sand finish plaster ceiling is patched. The sand is gauged into the lime ring first, before the gauging plaster. This makes for a uniform finish.


The edges of the patches are scraped back before applying the finish coat. This makes sure the edges join flush.