Jobs in progress-updated July 20, 2005

Pebble dash stucco replaced
Alexandria, Virginia

Pebble dash stucco replaced Pebble dash stucco replaced
Top of chimney is shaped for water run off with a drip lip. The drip lip and the decorative band are finished with white portland cement and white sand.
The rest is pebble dash.
Old stucco is stripped off and re-done.
More details here

MORE Pebble dash stucco replaced
Washington, DC

MORE Pebble dash stucco replaced MORE Pebble dash stucco replaced
Circa 1901 wood clapboard was covered with metal lath and pebble dash stucco in the 1930's. The old wood siding was still in good condition after all these years even
without the use of tar paper. 
The metal lath had failed prematurely probably due to lack of galvanization or coating.
A close up of the pebble dash finish.

Pebble dash stucco
on a new house

Pebble dash stucco on a new house
Pebble dash stucco on a new house
TOP: Stucco house wins award.

TOP RIGHT: A closer view of the stucco. The curve at the bottom is called a wash, done to deflect water away from the stone water table.
Washes also have a decorative effect, the curve showing the wall is stucco.

RIGHT: Tyvek torn off strategically leaving strips around edges and windows.

Pebble dash stucco on a new house

Concrete sidewalk resurfaced

Concrete sidewalk resurfaced Decorative stucco finish
on this sidewalk. See how I did it..